Funding overview

This table is an extract from the complete list of operations. Find and download the complete list of operations here: XLS Export

Call Priority/
Specific Ojective
Project Lead Ben. Start-End Total eligible budget ERDF Funding Norway Funding
1 1
CC Create Converge Dundee City Council, United Kingdom 01/10/2015 31/07/2021 3.244.829 € 1.622.413 €
11 1
EXSKALLERATE ACCELERATE adoption of EXOSKELETONS for construction and manufacturing applications in the North Sea Region. InnovationQuarter, Netherlands 01/01/2020 30/06/2023 3.835.345 € 1.917.672 €
1 1
Lean Landing For Micro SMEs SOFT LANDING FOR SMES IN THE NORTH SEA REGION Vaeksthus Sjaelland, Denmark 01/11/2015 30/06/2019 3.620.774 € 1.706.257 € 104.130 €
3 1
PERISCOPE Platform for Expanding Regional Innovation SCOPE for blue growth Sørlandets Europakontor AS, Norway 01/10/2017 30/09/2021 4.121.987 € 1.507.784 € 553.210 €
5 1
PROWAD LINK PROWAD LINK PROTECT & PROSPER: Benefits through linking sustainable growth with nature protection Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Germany 01/09/2018 31/12/2022 4.859.557 € 2.250.631 € 179.146 €
9 1
COM³ Building COMpetencies for COMpetitive COMpanies Intercommunale Leiedal, Belgium 01/07/2019 30/06/2023 4.203.832 € 1.841.890 € 260.025 €
7 1
FBD Futures By Design (Copy) Provinsje Fryslân, Netherlands 07/01/2019 06/01/2023 5.386.478 € 2.693.237 €
3 1
GrowIn 4.0 Growing into Industry 4.0 - Accelerate growth in manufacturing SMEs VIA University College, Denmark 01/08/2017 30/04/2022 3.607.589 € 1.803.790 €
2 1
Inn2POWER Innovation to Push Offshore Wind Energy Regions POM West-Vlaanderen, Belgium 01/11/2016 30/04/2023 6.423.160 € 3.211.579 €
3 1
Inno-Quarter Open Innovation Quarters for quick end-user feedback and support of new products and services Provinsje Fryslân, Netherlands 15/06/2017 31/12/2022 3.953.051 € 1.976.522 €
2 1
Northern Connections Strategic Transnational Cluster Cooperation - unlocking the potential for regional innovation Aalborg Kommune, Denmark 01/11/2016 31/12/2020 5.285.707 € 2.369.622 € 273.229 €
1 1
REFRAME REFRAME - Towards a Regional Food Frame Gemeente Groningen, Netherlands 03/01/2016 31/05/2021 6.035.102 € 3.017.547 €
5 1
RIGHT RIGHT skills for the RIGHT future Vestland fylkeskommune, Norway 01/11/2018 31/05/2022 3.366.047 € 1.303.528 € 379.493 €
1 1
SHINE Shared value creation in the Healthcare economy through INtegrated business modEls POM West-Vlaanderen, Belgium 01/12/2015 31/01/2020 2.456.567 € 1.228.281 €
7 1
BLING Blockchain in Government Gemeente Groningen, Netherlands 01/01/2019 30/06/2023 5.969.577 € 2.984.786 €
3 1
CORA COnnecting Remote Areas with digital infrastructure and services Intercommunale Leiedal, Belgium 01/07/2017 30/06/2023 4.645.320 € 2.098.297 € 224.360 €
5 1
CUPIDO Culture Power: Inspire to Develop Rural Areas Länsstyrelsen Värmland, Sweden 01/09/2018 31/08/2022 4.558.586 € 2.034.292 € 245.000 €
11 1
I2I From Isolation to Inclusion: innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness in the NSR Universitetet i Agder, Norway 01/01/2020 30/06/2023 3.211.096 € 1.353.396 € 252.150 €
2 1
In For Care Informal care and voluntary assistance: Innovation in service delivery in the North Sea Region Universitetet i Agder, Norway 01/11/2016 31/12/2019 4.457.710 € 1.544.666 € 684.187 €
2 1
Like! Like! Building a Local Digital Innovation Culture Gemeente Groningen, Netherlands 01/10/2016 01/03/2020 4.251.964 € 2.125.980 €
9 1
NorthTick Tick-Borne Infections in the North Sea Region - A Competence Network to Improve Public Service Delivery based on a One Health Perspective Full Application in Call 9 Region Jönköpings Län, Sweden 01/09/2019 30/06/2023 6.691.452 € 3.170.726 € 175.000 €
3 1
SCORE Smart Cities + Open Data RE-use Gemeente Amsterdam, Netherlands 01/09/2017 31/08/2022 5.855.000 € 2.669.999 € 257.500 €
3 2
BIOCAS circular BIOmass CAScade to 100% (full proposal) Province Fryslan, Netherlands 01/07/2017 30/12/2021 4.969.239 € 2.484.614 €
5 2
Carbon Farming Carbon Farming Zuidelijke Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie (ZLTO), Netherlands 01/09/2018 31/08/2022 3.094.837 € 1.341.544 € 205.873 €
11 2
Circ-NSR Circular North Sea Regions - Improving Governance for the Circular Economy Leiedal, Belgium 01/02/2020 30/06/2023 2.779.507 € 1.152.806 € 236.945 €
2 2
COBEN Delivering Community Benefits of Civic Energy Universität Oldenburg, COAST, Germany 01/10/2016 30/09/2022 7.469.032 € 3.507.993 € 226.522 €
9 2
NON STOP New smart digital Operations Needed for a Sustainable Transition Of Ports Port of Zwolle Coöperatie U.A., Netherlands 01/07/2019 30/06/2023 4.677.950 € 2.338.975 €
7 2
OESA Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance Dutch Marine Energy Centre, Netherlands 01/01/2019 30/06/2022 6.211.183 € 3.031.751 € 73.838 €
7 2
ProCirc Circular Procurement: Accelerate circular economy through procurement power, alliance- and capacity building. Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 13/12/2018 30/06/2023 4.960.963 € 2.371.570 € 108.909 €
3 2
SalFar Saline Farming - Innovative agriculture to protect the environment and stimulate economic growth Provincie Groningen, Netherlands 12/06/2017 30/06/2022 6.147.375 € 2.760.629 € 313.055 €
1 2
SCALE-UP Supporting Clean-tech innovators in Accessing Large Enterprises through Unlocking Procurement Gemeente Rotterdam, Netherlands 01/12/2015 31/12/2021 6.233.331 € 3.116.663 €
3 2
SMARTGREEN Big Data and eco-innovative resource use in the NSR Greenhouse industry - greening the growth in horticultural production Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark 01/09/2017 30/06/2023 4.262.793 € 1.928.644 € 202.750 €
7 2
SOILCOM Sustainable soils by quality compost with defined properties Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Fødevarer, Denmark 01/02/2019 30/06/2023 4.400.676 € 2.200.336 €
9 2
WASP (Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion) Run Wind Propulsion Technology real life trials on sea going ships in operation>showcase proven concepts>market adoption>green sea transport. NL Maritime Technology Foundation, Netherlands 15/07/2019 30/06/2023 5.393.222 € 2.613.460 € 83.148 €
3 2
2imprezs Project to implement energy saving methods and programme for energy-efficient and nearly zero-energy schools. Intercommunale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij voor de Kempen, Belgium 01/09/2017 30/06/2023 4.238.990 € 2.119.493 €
7 2
ACCESS Advancing Communities towards low-Carbon Energy Smart System Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Belgium 15/01/2019 30/04/2023 4.540.864 € 2.270.431 €
5 2
DecomTools Eco-innovative concepts for the end of offshore wind energy farms lifecycle Hochschule Emden / Leer, Germany 01/08/2018 31/01/2023 4.719.156 € 2.270.794 € 88.781 €
1 2
DUAL Ports Developing Low carbon Utilities, Abilities and potential of regional entrepreneurial Ports Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Haven Oostende, Belgium 01/12/2015 30/06/2022 8.696.640 € 4.348.320 €
7 2
EMPOWER2.0 Empowering the citizens - Towards European Energy Market 2.0 (Enabling More People’s OWnership in Energy tRansition) Gemeente Zaanstad, Netherlands 01/01/2019 31/12/2022 4.645.802 € 2.322.900 €
5 2
INDU-ZERO Industrialisation of house renovations towards energy-neutral Provincie Overijssel, Netherlands 01/07/2018 30/06/2022 4.390.123 € 1.977.904 € 217.155 €
11 2
Stronghouse Sustainable housing for strong communities Provincie Drenthe, Netherlands 01/01/2020 30/06/2023 6.693.233 € 3.346.612 €
2 3
BEGIN Blue Green Infrastructure through Social Innovation City of Dordrecht, Netherlands 01/09/2016 31/01/2022 8.818.774 € 4.106.101 € 303.284 €
1 3
BWN Building with Nature Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 01/12/2015 01/07/2021 6.840.000 € 3.399.998 € 20.000 €
7 3
C5A Cluster for Cloud to Coast Climate Change Adaptation Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 01/01/2019 30/06/2022 1.925.150 € 962.573 €
3 3
CATCH water sensitive Cities: the Answer To CHallenges of extreme weather events Waterschap Vechtstromen, Netherlands 01/07/2017 31/12/2022 5.558.256 € 2.779.127 €
1 3
FAIR Flood infrastructure Asset management and Investment in Renovation, adaptation and maintenance Ministerie Infrastructuur en Milieu - Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 01/12/2015 31/12/2020 4.593.750 € 2.276.873 € 20.000 €
2 3
FRAMES Flood Resilient Areas by Multi-layEred Safety Provincie Zuid Holland, Netherlands 01/10/2016 31/07/2020 6.924.911 € 3.462.453 €
1 3
TOPSOIL Top soil and water - The climate challenge in the near subsurface Region Midtjylland, Denmark 01/12/2015 31/12/2021 8.453.013 € 4.226.503 €
9 3
BEESPOKE Benefitting Ecosystems through Evaluation of food Supplies for Pollination to Open up Knowledge for End users Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, United Kingdom 01/07/2019 30/06/2023 4.847.560 € 2.413.780 € 10.000 €
3 3
CANAPE Creating A New Approach to Peatland Ecosystems Broads Authority, United Kingdom 01/06/2017 31/12/2022 5.545.105 € 2.772.549 €
7 3
GEANS Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek, Belgium 01/03/2019 30/06/2023 3.309.566 € 1.571.589 € 83.192 €
5 3
IMMERSE IMplementing MEasuRes for Sustainable Estuaries Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, Belgium 01/10/2018 31/03/2023 4.516.004 € 2.258.001 €
3 3
Jomopans Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise North Sea Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 01/01/2018 30/06/2022 4.164.966 € 1.912.146 € 170.335 €
1 3
NorthSEE A North Sea Perspective on Shipping, Energy and Environment Aspects in MSP Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany 01/01/2016 31/03/2022 4.049.578 € 1.957.169 € 67.618 €
5 3
NSW North Sea Wrecks - An Opportunity for Blue Growth : Healthy Environment, Shipping, Energy Production and -transmission Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum - Leibniz-Institut für deutsche Schifffahrtsgeschichte, Germany 01/11/2018 30/06/2023 5.178.135 € 2.443.948 € 145.117 €
2 3
NuReDrain Nutrients Removal and Recovery from Drainage Water VITO, Belgium 03/10/2016 30/06/2023 3.516.378 € 1.758.187 €
2 3
PARTRIDGE Protecting the Areas Resources Through Researched Innovative Demonstration of Good Examples Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, United Kingdom 30/11/2016 30/06/2023 7.793.271 € 3.896.632 €
2 3
Sullied Sediments Sullied Sediments - Sediment Assessment and Clean Up Pilots in Inland Waterways in the North Sea Region University of Hull, United Kingdom 03/10/2016 31/12/2020 4.086.826 € 2.043.409 €
1 3
WaterCoG Water Co-Governance for sustainable ecosystems The Rivers Trust, United Kingdom 01/01/2016 31/10/2021 4.572.916 € 2.286.455 €
3 4
#IWTS 2.0 #Inland Waterway Transport Solutions: @mobilising potentials and capacity to move freight to smaller waterways. Maritieme Academie Harlingen - Stichting Dunamare Onderwijsgroep, Netherlands 01/08/2017 30/06/2021 3.462.734 € 1.731.367 €
11 4
AVATAR Sustainable urban freight transport with autonomous zero-emission vessels >>> modal shift from road to water POM Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium 01/05/2020 30/06/2023 2.830.541 € 1.415.270 €
9 4
North Sea CONNECT CONNECTing North Sea Region’s TEN-T nodes - Support intermodality growth in the North Sea Region through smart efficiency enhancements Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V., Germany 01/10/2019 31/03/2023 3.665.907 € 1.832.952 €
7 4
ART-Forum Automated Road Transport Forum for the North Sea Region Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Germany 01/03/2019 30/09/2022 4.320.983 € 1.952.990 € 207.500 €
7 4
BITS Bicycles and ITS Provincie Overijssel, Netherlands 01/01/2019 31/12/2022 5.629.456 € 2.814.726 €
3 4
G-PaTRA Green Passenger Transport in Rural Areas (G-PaTRA) Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom 12/06/2017 30/06/2023 4.912.090 € 2.326.610 € 129.434 €
2 4
HyTrEc2 Hydrogen Transport Economy in the North Sea Region2 (Call 2) Aberdeen City Council, United Kingdom 02/10/2016 10/06/2023 6.180.602 € 2.615.105 € 475.195 €
5 4
MOVE Mobility Opportunities Valuable to Everybody HZ University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands 01/09/2018 31/08/2022 3.441.416 € 1.720.706 €
9 4
PAV Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership, United Kingdom 02/09/2019 01/03/2023 4.069.783 € 1.935.139 € 99.750 €
1 4
SEEV4-City Smart, clean Energy and Electric Vehicles 4 the City (Copy) Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands 28/03/2016 25/10/2020 5.387.276 € 2.291.472 € 402.165 €
1 4
SHARE-North SHARE-North: Shared Mobility Solutions for a Liveable and Low-Carbon North Sea Region Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Germany 01/01/2016 30/06/2022 7.363.510 € 3.158.003 € 523.750 €
7 4
Stronger Combined (SC) Stronger Combined - Combined Mobility in the rural public transport system to build sustainable rural public services in symbiosis with private mobility providers and citizens Region Värmland, Sweden 01/01/2019 31/12/2022 4.009.684 € 1.893.116 € 111.725 €
3 4
SURFLOGH Smart Urban Freight Logistics Hubs (Copy) Provincie Drenthe, Netherlands 15/06/2017 30/04/2023 3.627.065 € 1.813.531 €
9 4
ZEM Ports NS Zero Emission Ports North Sea University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 02/09/2019 30/06/2023 4.271.722 € 2.135.861 €